Well Woman

This blood test represents our top-level wellness profile tailored specifically for women, aiming to provide extensive insights into general health risks and current wellness status.

It encompasses a thorough examination, including a complete blood count, analysis of kidney and liver function, assessment of bone and muscle health, comprehensive cholesterol profiling, and iron studies. Additionally, it encompasses a diabetes screening, thyroid function assessments, hsCRP analysis, a vitamin profile evaluation, and a female hormone profile assessment.

Given the comprehensive nature of this profile, a phlebotomy sample is required for accurate results.

£160 pp

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How It Works

Once you have booked in for an on-site blood test, our trained nurses and pharmacists will take a quick blood sample.

What do we test for?


Elevated cholesterol levels can result in arterial blockages, increasing the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. Identifying high cholesterol levels enables individuals to implement beneficial lifestyle and dietary adjustments, enhancing their prospects for a long and healthy life.

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Measuring your HbA1c levels is a method to verify the presence or risk of developing diabetes. Uncontrolled or undiagnosed diabetes stands as one of the primary causes of mortality. For individuals with known diabetes, consistent HbA1c checks are crucial for monitoring their progress.

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Full Blood Count

A complete blood count serves as a valuable tool for assessing overall health and can aid in detecting various conditions, including infections, anemia, and leukemia.

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Gout is a prevalent and intricate type of arthritis that can impact individuals regardless of age, caused by elevated levels of uric acid. Following diagnosis, there are methods available to manage symptoms and reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

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Hormones are biochemical compounds synthesized by different glands within the body, comprising a vital component of the endocrine system. Released directly into the bloodstream, they travel to targeted organs or tissues, exerting their influence.

These hormones function as chemical messengers, overseeing numerous physiological processes in the body.

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Inflammation is the body’s natural defense mechanism, where white blood cells protect against external bacterial and viral infections. Assessing inflammation levels can aid in diagnosing various conditions.

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Iron Studies

Iron studies encompass a series of blood tests aimed at quantifying the iron levels present in the blood and stored within bodily tissues. Iron deficiency can manifest in various symptoms, including fatigue, chest pains, and shortness of breath.

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Kidney Function

The kidneys are essential for maintaining bodily functions, including waste removal, hormone release to regulate blood pressure, and red blood cell production control. Maintaining healthy kidney function is crucial for overall health and well-being.

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Liver Function

The liver plays a crucial role in numerous essential bodily functions, including blood sugar regulation, immune response against infections, and blood detoxification. Maintaining optimal liver function is critical for overall health and well-being.

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Minerals are fundamental elements necessary for proper bodily development and function. Deficiency in minerals is prevalent and can result in a broad spectrum of symptoms and conditions.

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Muscle & Bone

Indications of your muscle and bone health can be gleaned from your blood.

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Thyroid disorders are frequently encountered yet frequently undetected. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, it can result in fatigue, mood disturbances, and weight fluctuations.

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Vitamins constitute a group of essential substances required by our bodies for regular cell function, growth, and development. Deficiencies in vitamins can lead to a variety of common symptoms and conditions.

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What can I expect from the Well Woman Blood Test?

This specialized blood test is meticulously crafted to offer women a comprehensive health assessment, providing crucial insights into a wide array of vital health conditions.

Undertaking this blood test today can potentially enhance your longevity and well-being by years. Many of the conditions screened for may take years to manifest symptoms, and some may not exhibit any symptoms at all. Yet, untreated, they can lead to significant damage over time.

The test begins with a full blood count, examining hemoglobin levels, red and white blood cells, and platelets. This not only screens for anemia but also offers early detection of various blood diseases and health conditions, providing essential information about immune system activity and clotting function.

The profile includes a diabetes assessment (HbA1c), crucial for the over 1 million individuals unaware they have diabetes. Early diagnosis empowers lifestyle adjustments and treatments that can substantially improve quality of life and longevity.

Thyroid function is evaluated, addressing a condition affecting at least 1 in every 8 women. Diagnosis via symptoms or medical examination can be challenging, making this blood test essential for timely intervention, potentially averting years of unexplained symptoms.

A complete cholesterol profile, analyzing 7 health markers, is included. High cholesterol levels, prevalent in over 40% of adults, pose significant risks for heart attacks and strokes. Early detection facilitates necessary lifestyle modifications to mitigate these risks.

High sensitivity C-reactive protein assessment identifies generalized inflammation, crucial for heart health and indicative of various health issues like autoimmune diseases and infections.

Hormone levels (estrogen, luteinizing hormone, and progesterone) provide valuable insights into fertility and menopause.

An iron status profile, including ferritin, evaluates blood health and indicates storage capacity, pertinent to many health conditions.

Vitamin analysis (B12, Folate, and D) is essential for blood and overall health. Vitamin D deficiency, affecting over 1 in 6 individuals, is particularly concerning due to its association with various health issues, including increased cancer risks.

Liver function assessment identifies stress on this vital organ, pivotal for digestion and toxin removal.

Kidney function testing ensures early detection of any issues, enabling prompt intervention.

Calcium levels assess bone health, while creatine kinase evaluates muscle health. Gout screening offers opportunities for lifestyle adjustments and treatment.

This profile encompasses 58 health indicators, necessitating a phlebotomy sample available at nationwide partner locations or via home visiting services.

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